Wednesday 15 September 2010

Week 2 - Everything has to begin somewhere (Week's Objectives)

I came up with the idea for my honours project over the weekend (so from about Friday the 10th), I hadn't actively been thinking about it as I already had a project in mind and just happened to be going about my day to day business when the idea struck me and I knew that this is what I really wanted to do as I knew I would enjoy working on it and it would make a nice addition to my portfolio. I really wish I had thought this up sooner and could have started over the summer looking back at all those wasted days playing games and watching films, hence the appropriate heading :p 

I had my first meeting with my supervisor, Alison Varey yesterday which I found to be very helpful in that it brought to light a lot of aspects that I hadn't considered. She was also able to point me in the direction of some books about writing/making/understanding comics by Scott McCloud that could help with producing my own comic, therefore I made sure I picked up Understanding Comics out of the Uni library. I'm currently about a third of the way through it and am finding it to be thoroughly interesting as it shows how certain (often overlooked) aspects when applied can add to a comic giving the desired scene a much more dramatic feel.

I was also able to arrange regular meetings with Alison that will take place every Tuesday between 11-12 with the exception of next week as she will be unable to attend.

I plan to create a comic strip that the reader can interact with, similar in a way to the Choose your own adventure books offering the reader choices to make as to which direction the story will follow, or possibly have their actions decide where the story goes. The comic will also be animated, even if its only for a short period of time each of the sections within the comic will play a short animation in sequence.

Week 2 Objectives

I will carry out the following/work on/complete for next Tuesday.

  • Produce a Project Plan
  • Carry out research into Comics as well as Anime/Manga
  • Research and consider different types of interactions that could be used and incorporated in my design
  • Complete the Learning Contract
  • Set up a Blog

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