Wednesday 6 October 2010

Developing Story/Characters

From my experience in playing tabletop and role playing games with a few friends I already had a collection of characters that we usually would usually use and over the course of about 6 years each of those characters has built up a wealth of background stories, relationships, rivalries as well as some interesting plots and story lines that we would often play through, usually without a predetermined ending in sight as it was always more interesting to see how the characters managed to escape with their hides intact from the latest adventure. I have also produced various short stories involving one or more of the characters during the past few years as well as making an attempt at writing a short novel. Sadly the novel fizzled out as I didn't know where I wanted to go with it toward the end which I put down to letting the character's actions decide the outcome in a game, it doesn't work quite so well in a novel though.

Through such games I also have some experience in creating worlds, giving the gamer a meaningful task or objective and suitable reasons for them wanting to carry out said task, while throwing various other elements into the mix such as characters with conflicting goals, different factions beliefs, social structure and hierarchy as well as a bunch of other things that I can't think of off the top of my head.

The point I am getting at is that I already have an assortment of different established characters that I could use within the comic, maybe a few tweaks and the odd change here and there to make them a little more suitable but I imagine for the most part they will work well.

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